Sunday, August 5, 2012

Video reflection: An inconvenient truth

Global warming and climate change has always been an interesting debate between politicians and scientists in the last decade or some. For some, like Al Gore’s “An inconvenient truth”, I urges people that global warming is happening, and happening at an exponential rate. I found his film very engaging with his presentation of data and facts in a very visual and comparative method. His delivery of outcomes and consequences to the result of global warming, if not acted upon to be extremely provocative and a real sense of fear and responsibility is truly driven to our senses.
Others, argues that global warming is over rated, inaccurate and says that such a claim as an intellectual fraud for Al Gore to use such an issue as a foothold for his next presidential run.
Whatever it is, there is no harm in making the Earth a greener and cleaner environment, right?
I have always been aware that our daily activity has some sort of impact to our environment, but it was not until I watched this video that I was fully aware the extent of damage we are doing. As Al Gore said:
”each one of us is a cause to global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the car we use, we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero…”
While that is true, I feel a sense that as designers it is our responsibility (as well as scientists and engineers) to produce products to help consumers make that choice. There is no use if the community does want to make choices for a greener environment without the option or resources to do so.
I believe this is a new direction for all emerging industrial designers that whether if you do believe in the occurrence of global warming, there is no harm in reducing carbon emission and toxic byproducts. 

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